Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Downton Abbey, Season 3 Finale

According to an interview with Julian Fellowes, creator and writer of Downton Abbey, the theme of  the series is about people confronting change whether they like it or not. The show started in 1912, just before the Great War, but in the 1920’s there was an accelerated rate of change. It was actually the end of the Second World War that was the coup de grace for Crawley type people.

Jessica Brown Findlay who played Lady Sybil, and Dan Stevens who played Mathew Crawley wanted to leave after season three, so they had to be killed off—Sybil in childbirth and Mathew in a car crash.

The back story about Robert and Cora is how she came to England as an American heiress and met Robert who married her for her money and then fell in love.

The ending of season 3 has left enough loose ends for season 4 and beyond. Mary, now a young widow, is poised for new love and maybe a comeuppance for her snobbery. Thomas’ revelation that he is gay is another interesting story line. The introduction of  “difficult” Rose, who has left her mean mother and moved in with the Crawleys, provides more potential drama. And what about Lady Edith on the threshold of finding love and becoming (gasp!) a mistress!  But all the characters in Downton Abbey are so richly drawn in their humanity, that as I write, I am in withdrawal.

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