Killing the wife off in mobster stories is a very touchy
area. First reason being, the first suspect in any woman’s death is the
husband. Secondly, why kill her when you can make her pay for her adultery for
years to come. Maybe Nucky will once again see the helpless woman that he fell
in love with and grow a heart. After all, he did just lose his love only weeks
ago. Speaking of which, how is Nucky healed from his PTSD symptoms so quickly?
No ear ringing, no shell shock, no flashbacks.
I was hoping this season would bring more in terms of Harrow . It is great that Harrow
has found love, but it’s looking like he is setting himself up for making the
body count list. Not only does it look like he is thinking of taking Tommy from
Gillian Darmody but now he is on the old man’s list.
Both Margaret and Harrow
have intentions of making a run for it, and if there is anything I know as a
mafia crime writer it is that no one escapes without either dying or getting
their hands bloody.
Body Count: There are so many people that could make the
chopping block next week! Margaret for cheating, Harrow
for beating up an old man, Gillian so Harrow can take Jimmy, and Gyp for the
turf war and just being plain evil. We have two more episodes, and I have a
feeling Gyp is going to get it. Maybe Chalky will come to Nucky’s rescue once
more by killing Gyp, and he will get that club after all.
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